Patriarchy and Women’s rights in Nigeria

Angela Emuwa
2 min readSep 16, 2019


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Women constitute about half of the population in Nigeria and are known to play vital roles as mothers, business owners, caretakers, nation builders, community developers etc.

Their contribution to the social and economic development of societies is also more than half. that of men by virtue of their dual roles in the workplace and in the home. However, their participation in decision making remains insignificant.

The Nigerian society has been patriarchal in nature which is a major feature of a traditional society. In a patriarchal society, women have unequal positions in their families and even in the workplace, compared to men. Tradition, culture and religion has encouraged male domination in all levels of leadership.

Patriarchy justifies the marginalization of women in education, economy, labour market, politics, business, family, domestic matters and inheritance.

What is the way forward?

Sovereignty they say, belongs to the people (women inclusive). It is therefore important that the act of governance should be diversified to capture the interest of women through adequate representation.

Societal obstacles of religion, tradition and other obnoxious beliefs must be broken. Women should not be domesticated, they have to enjoy the right to work and associated benefits as men

Promote male responsibility for fatherhood. In a patriarchal society, the responsibility for bringing up children falls mainly on the mother. We need to change that narrative by educating more people that the upbringing of a child falls on both parents.

Promote the entry of women into male “dominated or reserved” professions

Empower girls and women to have control over their sexuality.

Ending patriarchy is about removing barriers for people of all gender identities.



Angela Emuwa

Chairman, Punch Nigeria Limited President, Autism Parents Association International (APAI) Disability Awareness Advocate Dance Fitness Enthusiast